On the morning of June 23, 2023, the Department of External Relations coordinated with the Center for Foreign Affairs and Languages Training (CEFALT) to organize a Conference on implementing regulations on signing international agreements in Dong Nai Province in 2023. Attending the Conference were more than 130 delegates who were representatives of leaders and government employees of departments and sectors of Dong Nai Province.
The Conference aimed to implement regulations on signing international agreements: Law on International Agreements 2020; Decree No. 64/2021/ND-CP dated June 30, 2021 of the Government on the conclusion and implementation of international agreements in the name of general departments or departments of ministries or ministerial-level agencies; specialized agencies of provincial-level People’s Committees; district-level People’s Committees; commune-level People’s Committees in border areas; or provincial-level agencies of organizations; Decree No. 65/2021/ND-CP dated June 30, 2021 on management and use of funding from state budget for treaty-related work and international agreement-related work.
Delegates posing for a group photo
At the Conference, Mr. Nguyen Luong Ngoc - Deputy Director General of the Law and International Treaties Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs discussed issues related to the signing and implementation of international treaties and agreements. In addition, the delegates gave opinions and discussed issues related to foreign affairs and international treaties in order to learn more information about this work and apply it in accordance with the pratical situation in the province, thereby contributing to well performing the functions of advising and urging the implementation of international treaties and agreements.
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